Some more photos of Koen, and his "superdad", Andy.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
5 minutes of fame
If you happened to be watching the 5:00 news in Chicago yesterday, you might have caught a glimpse of Renee, Eliot, and Koen.
If not, here's a link to the clip.
If you happened to be watching the 5:00 news in Chicago yesterday, you might have caught a glimpse of Renee, Eliot, and Koen.
If not, here's a link to the clip.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Some things get worse before they get better...
So Eliot is well over the "going down the drain" fear, but his worry about the "bees" has grown. We have now added a layer of tape to the window barrier, as well as a "no bee" nightlight (a lion nightlight, chosen specifically by Eliot to keep bees out no doubt due to the ferocious roar), and the most recent addition to the arsenal is the fly/"bee" swatter, as you see pictured here. Mind you, we have not seen a fly, let alone a bee in months, but don't let that fool you! They could be just around the corner trying to get in...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Bird's eye view

Today, I hit 35 weeks of gestation, and had the LAST of my weekly progesterone injections. No more needles, YAY! But the bigger milestone of today was Eliot overcoming his bathtub drain fear... the tape started to come off during his bath, but he became brave and decided to pull it off altogether. Then he stood in the bathtub and watched the water go down, until it drained completely. He kept saying "water and bubbles go down the drain, not Eliot", and then would prove to himself that he was too big by trying to shove a toe down the drain (which of course did not fit). So, to all of you who were worried with Eliot that he might go down the drain, have no fear, we have now confirmed that he, indeed, is too big to go down with the water and bubbles. We have yet to see if tape is again needed for the next bath...
Monday, November 19, 2007
33 & 5/7
Why is this number important? Because today I am 33 weeks and 5 days pregnant, which is exactly how old (in gestational age) Eliot was when he decided he had gestated enough and wanted out (well, he actually wanted out 4 weeks before that, and I got to be on bedrest for 4 weeks keeping my legs crossed trying to keep him in!) So Eliot's little brother has apparently decided he's staying in, and I'm hoping it's for the long haul (til Jan 2nd, or if you ask Andy, no later than Dec 31). A big thanks goes out to my MFM doc here in Germany, my MFM consulting doc in California (who gets to answer many questions and I never get a bill!), and to a weekly progesterone injection which prevents recurrent preterm labor.
The picture above was taken on Saturday night... we went out to this fabulous restaurant in Kaiserslautern, you know, the type with a 5 course menu and glasses and linen on the table... places we don't get out to very often and with baby #2 on the way this type of treat will be even fewer and more far between. We like to consider this our last supper :)

And these are US pictures of the little guy taken last Friday. Some more face shots, not quite as clear as the last ones, but I'll have you know that he appears to be rubbing his eyes as if sleepy. We continue to have high hopes he will be as good of a sleeper as Eliot (with the realization that this is probably an unrealistic expectation!)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Solution

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Oktoberfest in Munich
Sunday, November 04, 2007
More of Eliot's "animal noises" repertoire
We had a little bit of time to kill today in the car, as we drove to Belgium to go furniture shopping. Eliot decided to entertain us all on our way out there by demonstrating some other animal sounds (in addition to the ferocious lion "roar" you have already heard). On the way home, he talked non-stop for almost 2 hours. We will not torture you with that video.
We had a little bit of time to kill today in the car, as we drove to Belgium to go furniture shopping. Eliot decided to entertain us all on our way out there by demonstrating some other animal sounds (in addition to the ferocious lion "roar" you have already heard). On the way home, he talked non-stop for almost 2 hours. We will not torture you with that video.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Big Move

And finally it found it's way to the kitchen. So after our landlord not taking care of the problem for 6 months, we decided it was time to move. The fungus got the best of us! As Eliot puts it, our old house is "broken".
So, the main reason (besides an awesome trip to Munich/Salzburg for a week to see Carey and Jon - pictures to follow) that we have been completely out of the loop and not posting anything is that we suddenly had to move out of our house, find a new place to live, move, unpack, and set up new German utilities. For those new to our blog, please go back to our posts from 1 year ago to review how efficient the Germans are with their installation of telephone and DSL service. This time, we are happy to say, it only took 2 weeks instead of 2 months to get internet access!!!
So we had some great adventures. Fortunately, Mitch and Molly were here to help with the move. And all of us (Mitch and Molly) stayed with our very gracious neighbors (Ed, Toni, and their son (and Eliot's best friend) Michael). We found a place pretty quickly and are now finally starting to settle in... nice place, overall more space than our old place (especially storage space!), 5 min. closer to work, awesome landlords, well built house... not quite as much character and we wish we could have brought our neighbors with us, but this place is suiting us quite well. And for all of you who are planning to visit, no worries, there are more guest bedroom options here!
We will eventually take photos of the place with our stuff inside, but in the meantime here is a link to a page the landlord had set up; there are two indexes of photos with pictures, you can alternate at the top of the page, and view in slide show mode if you click on the photo directly:
Click here for photos
Also, Andy has at least quadrupled his office space, and now has the entire 3rd floor of the house planned as a "man room" with his multiple computers, foosball table, and a flat screen TV and comfy couch on the way. I'm just worried that once the couch and TV arrive, he may go into early retirement/hibernation mode! I think just the shock of having a TV after a year without one may put him into a beer coma (especially during football season, then it rolls right into college basketball season, etc).
So that's our saga. We promise to be much better from here on out about posting again, and there are more Eliot photos to come.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
B-day visit to Speyer's Technik Museum
Sorry Dad. We didn't get through it all and are looking forward to going back in October.
Sorry Dad. We didn't get through it all and are looking forward to going back in October.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Storehouse
It wouldn't have been a true trip to Dublin if we missed the tour of the Guinness Brewery (i.e. The Storehouse)
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Happy Day
Today, Eliot made his first poo on the potty. We've had a couple of successful pee pee trips, but this was the first productive #2 on the potty. Such a proud day in a parent's life :) For all of you waiting on more pictures, we thought we'd omit this one. Some things are just not made to be Kodak moments.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hummingbird Hawk Moth
I must say, I am truly impressed with Dave's investigational skills. He even beat out our resident entomologist, "the golden child" by a few minutes. However, Scott did provide a link to a very nice website with a description of these interesting moths:
Monday, June 25, 2007

So we had this really cool bug in the backyard, and Andy decided to get all fancy with the camera. The little critter was fast though, so these are the best photos he got. I am offering up some good German chocolate to the first person who can correctly identify the genus and species (and common name for those of us not so scientific). There should be a certain member of the audience with a distinct advantage... no pressure :)
Aquarium Trip

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