33 & 5/7
Why is this number important? Because today I am 33 weeks and 5 days pregnant, which is exactly how old (in gestational age) Eliot was when he decided he had gestated enough and wanted out (well, he actually wanted out 4 weeks before that, and I got to be on bedrest for 4 weeks keeping my legs crossed trying to keep him in!) So Eliot's little brother has apparently decided he's staying in, and I'm hoping it's for the long haul (til Jan 2nd, or if you ask Andy, no later than Dec 31). A big thanks goes out to my MFM doc here in Germany, my MFM consulting doc in California (who gets to answer many questions and I never get a bill!), and to a weekly progesterone injection which prevents recurrent preterm labor.
The picture above was taken on Saturday night... we went out to this fabulous restaurant in Kaiserslautern, you know, the type with a 5 course menu and glasses and linen on the table... places we don't get out to very often and with baby #2 on the way this type of treat will be even fewer and more far between. We like to consider this our last supper :)

And these are US pictures of the little guy taken last Friday. Some more face shots, not quite as clear as the last ones, but I'll have you know that he appears to be rubbing his eyes as if sleepy. We continue to have high hopes he will be as good of a sleeper as Eliot (with the realization that this is probably an unrealistic expectation!)