
We stayed at this wonderful thatched roof cottage about 20 miles North of Dublin. The cottage in the back is that of the owner. Ours was just a little ways up the path.

Beautiful day, but just the night before there was a constant 20-30 mph wind along the beach. It was amazing how fast the weather could change in Ireland.

Time for a beach walk.

This is the jellyfish that Eliot stepped on while coming back from his beach time with Mom. I watched him do it. It was intentional. I thought to myself, "Surely, he wouldn't step on that would he." I was wrong. Didn't seem to phase him though.

Yeah, we were just as amazed as you. (Usually, he spells it with two Ts)

If you look real closely, you can see a stringer from Eliot to the top of my head. Now, that's some quality father son bonding.