Koen's last day of school - June 4th
Here's some pics from Koen's last day of school (at the Vogelweh child development center). He had a great day, it was nice and sunny out and they played outside for a long time -- he especially liked the water bottles! His teachers wrote him some wonderful letters and we will miss them as much as they will miss Koen. He got a special present as well -- Ms. Jessica had brought in a blue bear into the classroom months ago, which Koen adopted as his lovey at school, and slept with it every day during nap... well this blue bear got to come home with him, and now bears Koen's initials on it's foot. Koen simply loves him and the bear has been traveling with us everywhere we go. Thanks Ms. Jessica, Ms. Amber, and Ms. Cassandra for a wonderful classroom -- Koen has always loved going to school, and even the following Monday he was asking to be dropped off at school! We will certainly miss you all...