Eliot likes to eat

Over about the last 2 weeks, Eliot has done little else other than eat. He is consuming at times the same amount of food as Andy and I during a meal. It is quite impressive, and rather unbelievable unless you witness it yourself (ask Nikki, Jeff, Ben and Evelyn). Take for example the night these photos were taken... much past his bedtime, we put him down to sleep in his stroller and he was nearly out until... the food came and he quickly rose to the occasion. Please note the look of fierce concentration and then exuberance on his face. He had some serious Anatolian (type of Turkish) food to consume, and no one was going to get in his way...
Over about the last 2 weeks, Eliot has done little else other than eat. He is consuming at times the same amount of food as Andy and I during a meal. It is quite impressive, and rather unbelievable unless you witness it yourself (ask Nikki, Jeff, Ben and Evelyn). Take for example the night these photos were taken... much past his bedtime, we put him down to sleep in his stroller and he was nearly out until... the food came and he quickly rose to the occasion. Please note the look of fierce concentration and then exuberance on his face. He had some serious Anatolian (type of Turkish) food to consume, and no one was going to get in his way...