Sorry for the long delay in posting, but Eliot decided to get sick, and Andy decided to make him feel better by getting sick as well! Everyone is feeling better, but now we're in the mad dash for Christmas, and preparing also for all of our visitors. This, however, did not stop us from enjoying some time at a Weinachsmarkt (Christmas market) in Otterberg this past weekend - a small town just 15 min away, that has a lot of historical old buildings including a church from the 16th century. Eliot liked the horses best (there was a horse and carraige ride for the kids), I liked the brats, and Andy liked the gluwine best (spiced yummy hot wine that is served everywhere during this season!)We went with our neighbors who have a little boy, Michael, just a few months older than Eliot. He has taught Eliot a lot of things, most recently how to say "mine". I can see this is going to be a fun game in the future with Kaya -- he already drives that poor dog crazy!
They were nice enough to take a picture of the 3 of us... with Andy as the photo guru, we don't often get pictures together so this was a treat.