On Saturday, we took a day trip to the famous Salt Mines of Krakow. Once again Eliot's behavior was pristine. We are extremely appreciative of his tolerance of our travels at this age. Here are a couple of photos from the trip. This is an active salt mine with a ton of salt sculptures that have been carved by the miners over the last 500 or so years. It was 850 steps down, but we got to take an elevator up. Nice since we decided to take Eliot's stroller. Surprisingly, a wise decision.

Renee could probably translate, but I'm guessing it says "Salt Mine" or something

Top view of the main Cathedral in the salt mine. Yes, everthing you see is carved from salt including the chandeliers which are pure salt crystals also cut from the mine.

The Altar of the Cathedral

Eliot likes to push his stroller, even when it was folded up. Yes, the floors are made of salt.

Finally, we have the krasnoludki (gnomes). Some of the most famous salt carvings. Legend has it that the knomes, which are alive, can't move while being observed by humans. This is why they appear as statues.