Saturday 8/6
4:30 AM : Renee takes a precautionary trip to the hospital after developing a slow leak.
6:30 AM: She calls me to say that she's been admitted.
10:30 AM: I arrive with clothes and other stuff

6PM: They decide to induce because Renee feels a little abdominal pain. Pitocin goes in. Then the fun begins...

Scott on the birthing ball.

Is that Scott with latex gloves and a tube of lube?
11:00 PM - Lots of discomfort. Renee asks for the epidural, but is told to get in line. (but nicely) Evidently there are 3 people ahead of her waiting to get the epi.
12:30 AM - Renee finally gets her epidural.
2:30 AM - Onika notices a couple of fetus heart rate fluctuations and alerts the nurse. One comes in, check Renee, and announces that it time. The room suddenly fills up with all kinds of people.
....omitted gory details......
3:07 AM - Baby Boy Pazdan is born (he wasn't named until Monday afternoon)

Here is Eliot's 1st photo op. Still looking a little pasty.

They let Renee hold Eliot for about 3 seconds before wisking him off to the NICU. Evidently that was not quite enough.

See. I was there too.
I was able to run down and see him about a 1/2 hour after birth. I was given very strict instructions to bring back video.

Renee, not yet able to visit the NICU, has to settle for 8 minutes of video. Yes, she watched it all. (Sony has purchased the copyrights to this photo.)

Finally holding him.

It was a long day for everyone.