Sunday, November 13, 2011

1st Skiing Trip of the Year

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


These pics are for Julie -- we promised a photo of Ashlyn in her tutu...
These were taken about a year after promised and posted a good 5 months afterwards, but at least it got done. I have to say, standards have dropped a bit since we had 3 kids! :)
She did enjoy strutting her stuff in the pretty tutu, and she is quite the dancer!

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Visiting the Alpacas

More Halloween Pictures

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy Halloween!

You probably thought the blog was good and dead... well, it was all but just that. However, my good friend Carey has appropriately guilted me into bringing it back to life, and what better time to do so than at Halloween? This is a fun pic of Monika and the kids as they are about to go out trick or treating. They all had a great time!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crested Butte Ski Trip

From Crested Butte - Jan 2011

From Crested Butte - Jan 2011

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Merry Christmas!

OK, I know it's been a long time, a REALLY long time... and I am very sorry. There goes another thing to add to my new years resolutions. Seems like my new years resolution pile is building up like my other piles at home and at work! I'll get to them eventually, and if not they must not have been that important to begin with (or just not as loud or dangerous as the other things that needed attending to!)

Here's some pics from Christmas. Kid's had a great time, as did we, though we are all happy school is starting up again tomorrow!