Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rough week

Sorry for the lack of postings in the last week, but the entire Pazdan Beaver Family has been run down with a nasty virus. Koen was the last and hardest hit victim, and given that he is only 5 weeks old ended up spending a night in the hospital. He is doing much better, and came home today. We'll try to post some more pictures soon, but in the meantime, we will all simply be catching up on sleep!
I swear Eliot is going in for a kiss on Koen's head here, and not just trying to smother him!

Brothers just hanging out together (this is after Eliot got over his illness and before Koen got his... back when life was peaceful and happy!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Eliot Rides

So Eliot got this super cool 2 wheel bicycle/ scooter thing for Christmas. With the weather warming up a bit, he's had a couple of opportunities to ride outside. He is surprisingly good at it already. The two clips below showing off his growing riding prowess as well as his disdain for the paparazzi that are always hounding him.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chilling out on the couch
Would you believe that my parents make me sleep in the laundry hamper? That's the problem with being child number two...
Whatcha lookin' at, mom?
(Koen at 1 month old)
Andy and the boys

Taking a timeout for some afternoon zzzzzz's

Wow, this baby toy is kinda cool!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Upgrade to the Double Wide

We gave in and got the double stroller... and we are now contemplating the practicalities of a minivan. I think we are now officially old.

More of Merichel's visit

Merichel looking very cute

Eliot trying to impress Mer with his Frenchy "I'm too cool" look

Eliot saying goodbye to Merichel.
Eliot at 5 weeks old

Koen at 3 weeks old

OK, so maybe they do look more alike than I thought!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Bathtime again

Eliot scored another bath with Merichel. You may remember his last Turkish bath with her.
How they have grown. Do you think it's coincidence that the one with glasses always has the smile on his or her face?

2 Weeks Already

It's hard to believe that Koen is already 2 weeks old. It goes by fast. Here are some shots of his 1st bath and one that shows how generous Eliot has been. He is sharing his most prized possession with him.